Interconnection Policy – Middle Mile
Interconnection Policy – Middle Mile
Segra’s fiber projects receiving federal funds under the Middle Mile Grant program will meet and comply with the nondiscrimination and network interconnection requirements established by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) released May 13, 2022.
Non-discrimination – Segra will meet or exceed the requirements set forth by the FCC’s Internet Policy Statement, FCC 05-151, adopted August 5, 2005 regarding non-discrimination and actively encourages broadband deployment and the preservation and promotion of the open and interconnected nature of the public Internet.
Interconnection and Collocation – Segra middle mile service offering includes high-capacity wave services, scalable Internet access, high bandwidth point-to-point private line transport services, Ethernet transport, Dark Fiber, as well as Wholesale Internet connectivity for last mile service providers. Segra will not manage or limit the content of communications traffic transiting the Segra network, except to the extent necessary to maintain reliable service and network integrity. Segra will offer interconnection at any technically feasible point along the network including splice points, mid span meet points, and designated points of interconnection.
Segra’s network management practices will not involve preferential routing of traffic on the basis of content or provider. Segra will utilize neutral traffic routing, and will enable connections to other carriers and to the public Internet.
Segra will continue to interconnect with other carriers to exchange traffic at our primary POP locations and possibly other network nodes, where feasible. Segra will negotiate in good faith with bona fide requesting parties in order to interconnect on negotiated, commercially reasonable terms and conditions.
Questions regarding this Policy should be sent to us at:
11215 N. Community House Road, 10th Floor
Charlotte, NC 28277
Attn: Chief Legal Officer